Dear potential Content Creator, Studio Assistant, Publisher or Exhibitor,
Did you know that in ancient times scientists and artists were able to do their research and make their work because of important Patrons? Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Beethoven and Mozart all used patronage to make ends meet while doing important work. It gave them freedom to use their creativity and intelligence on cases they were extremely motivated to work on and we all know where that led to.
Since the middle 19th century the European culture moved away from its patronage system to the currently known as more “classic” ways to finance arts: museums, theaters, mass audience and mass consumption.
I am going back to the old days using patronage to gain my freedom as an artist; to develop myself as a person and artist, to do research and make work on the subjects and themes I find important to make up for discussion.

Content Creator – €3,00/m or €36,00/y*
As a Content Creator you will receive access to my digital studio on Instagram: @laurahospes.behindthescenes.
Studio Assistant – €10,00/m or €120,00/y*
As a Studio Assistant you are financially supporting experiments, studio rent and materials for creating new work. This tier is an honorable job and based on the premise of goodwill. Naturally, you are also invited to join my digital studio on Instagram @laurahospes.behindthescenes.
Publisher – €25,00/m or €300,00/y*
As a Publisher you will receive a handmade booklet every 4 months. Publishing dates are 1st of February, 1st of June and 1st of October. With the first shipment you will receive a certificate that you are an official Publisher. Naturally, you will receive everything that is offered at the tiers Content Creator and Studio Assistant.
Exhibitor – €100,00/m or €1200,00/y*
For Exhibitors I open up my studio in Amsterdam for a private exhibition for Exhibitor patrons only, including the option to buy an artwork from my studio with a discount. You will also receive two copies of the Patreon book every 4 months; one to keep and one to give away to someone you love, is interested in the subject or that would boost my career as an artist. Publishing dates are 1st of February, 1st of June and 1st of October. Naturally, you will also receive access to my digital studio.
*All prices mentioned above are excl. taxes.
There are two ways to subscribe:
A. Via Use this channel if you want to be billed monthly. After clicking on the link you will land on my creator home page. The tiers are shown right away. Choose your tier and follow the instructions.
B. Via Use the webshop if you would like to be billed for one year up front. Add the tier of your preference to your shopping cart and follow the payment instructions.
If both ways don’t work for you, please e-mail me and I’ll set you up.
All prices on this webpage are excluding taxes. In case of subscribing via Patreon, the platform will calculate all taxes, suiting your country. You will receive an invoice with all details. In case of annual payment on invoice, I charge Dutch taxes on the invoice.
Preferably not, as it is quite some administration to make this work. Please e-mail me, so we can look at the possibilities.
Yes, you can! It is possible to pay on invoice or via my webshop once a year. If you are not able to be billed annually, please e-mail me, so we can look at the possibilities.
The tier “Publisher (payment annually)” is a digital construction so people without Creditcard or Paypal can still unlock posts on Patreon.
The tier “Fan” is a tier from my previous payment system. It is the precursor “Studio Assistant”. As I also raised the price, I locked my Fans in the price they opted-in in the first place. It is no longer possible to subscribe as a “Fan”.
Yes, this is possible. You can choose the tier that fits your donation best and message or e-mail me that you want nothing in return.
Yes, this is possible through my webshop. Adjust the height of your donation by multiplying the item in your shopping cart.
For more questions and answers about Patreon, please visit
Can’t find the answer? Contact me!